Is there anything funnier in music than the labels 'progressive rock' or 'progressive metal'?
I've been chasing a few things down musically in the links from stuff I already have from music makers like Stephen Wilson, Mono, Explosions in the Sky...etc etc.
A lot of this stuff has be classed at post-rock or some such but I note that 'progressive rock' seems to be making a comeback as a genre label. Locally, we have bands such as Karnivool, Dead Letter Circus and the late Cog as representatives.
Offshore, there's all sorts of stuff and it's a bit mad.
Here's a really good demo of how mad this is a soundcloud sampler of the output from Inside Out Music which is a musical label that specialise mostly in progressive rock & metal - that's their tag. One thing I can promise you is that it sure as hell isn't metal (well some of it is-ish)...but whatever is's a very broad church. Crunchy rifforama noodling, sweet 80's power pop, jazz, doom vocals, bright light, boogie woogie grunge, hair metal balladry...weird's all in there and self indulgence abounds...
Yes you might need your tastes slightly knocked a kilter to fully tolerate any of it but the sheer eccentricity and eclecticism of it is just hilarious and curiously entertaining...
I'm forming the opinion that these labels are for anything that may not ever get played on the radio or that fits neatly into any one word musical genre label...
Here's a word.
"hair metal balladry" - is that a genre I should know about?
I think my collection is a bit shy there.
Never prejudge, lads. That's the secret. There's no doubt it's all a bit screwed up as a genre but there's stuff in there that you will go for...
A certain lady early on in that set might tickle there's some other winners for the patient and open minded. Devin Townsend on the other hand remains gleefully insane...bless him.
Mondo Rock is touring again and I think I might go. I really enjoyed Dick Clap recently at Newport Arms. Bin a long time since I been to any wock and woll bands.
We saw Ross Wilson & band last Saturday night, special guest Mike Rudd.
Lotsa fun to be had at middle aged live music nights.
Here's a visual for you. Middle aged women acting like groupies at the front of the dance floor!!!
Absolutely. That's why I like going down to the local Library and grabbing a handful of "mostly" random CDs. You never know. You'd think by now I'd be able to just click on one of your links and send it to a pair of speakers to listen but I don't... hm.
I like to hang around the fiction section, hoping to meet pensioners.......