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Smiley codes

edited December 2013 in Site Stuff

This is the current smiley collection.

Basic smileys

:) : :) or :-) (Happy)

:( : :( or :-( (Sad)

;) : ;) or ;-) (Wink)

:D : :D or :-D (Grin)

:| : :| or :-| (Straight face)

:-/ : :/ or :-/ (Skeptical)

:P : :p or :P or :-p or :-P (Cheeky)

:* : :* or :-* (Kiss)

:O : :O or :O) or :-O (Surprise)

B-) : B-) (Sunglasses)

:-S : :-S (Confused)

Animated smileys

:)) : :)) or :-)) (Laughing / very happy)

=)) : =)) (ROTFLMAO)

:'( : :'( or :(( or :-(( (Crying)

=(( : =(( (Broken hearted)

X( : X( or X-( or x( or x-( (Angry)

O:) : O:) or O:-) (Angel)

:-w : :-w or :-W (Waiting)

:-? : :-? (Hm)

:-?? : :-?? (Whaat?!)

:-bd : :-b (Thumbs up)

:-q : :-q (Thumbs down)

=D> : =D> (Applause)

[-X : [-X (Tsk tsk)

X_X : X_X (Face plant)

^:)^ : ^:)^ (I'm not worthy)

:-@ : :-@ (Yak yak)

%-( : %-( (Not listening)

:-> : :-> (Popcorn)


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