Smiley codes
This is the current smiley collection.
Basic smileys
or :-)
or :-(
or ;-)
or :-D
or :-|
(Straight face)
:-/ : :/
or :-/
:P : :p
or :P
or :-p
or :-P
or :-*
:O : :O
or :O)
or :-O
B-) : B-)
:-S : :-S
Animated smileys
) :
or :-))
(Laughing / very happy)
) :
or :((
or :-((
=(( : =((
(Broken hearted)
X( : X(
or X-(
or x(
or x-(
O:) : O:)
or O:-)
:-w : :-w
or :-W
:-? : :-?
:-?? : :-??
:-bd : :-b
(Thumbs up)
:-q : :-q
(Thumbs down)
=D> : =D>
[-X : [-X
(Tsk tsk)
X_X : X_X
(Face plant)
^:)^ : ^:)^
(I'm not worthy)
:-@ : :-@
(Yak yak)
%-( : %-(
(Not listening)
:-> : :->
Very emotive Seano
But why are you confused?
Hah, and I've only just realized that there's a pop-down menu over on the right with all the emoticons on it...
But there's no Popcorn Grommit!
Patience patience... [-X
(And: odd that some of them in your post didn't work...
( oh wait, you needed to use capital X, I'll make it so that small x works as well)