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2 Steps forward 1 Stepback
But it fills like 2 steps back .
Yesturday while cleaning the pool , I slipped in the pool & hit my back on the steps leaading into the pool .
4 broken left Transverse process L1,2,3 & L4 .
What did the wife say ?
Don't wear reading glass's working near edges .
Jeezers Mal, you poor khan, for anyone that seems like a lotta pain, but for your back this is unbelievable !!
100% agree re wearing glasses. Whenever I stumble or bump/kick things I notice I'm wearing my glasses and have misjudged something on the periphery. Almost never happens when I'm not wearing glasses.
or are you tyring to get out of pool duties...?
Trying to get it filled in with concrete
Cheaper to fill it with sand! Everyone wants a beach!
Sorry to hear about the back. That would not tickle.
That sounds like about four steps back :-S Ouch. I would definitely be interested though in knowing how you go taking your revenge on the pool, as I want to get rid of ours as well.