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Memorable quotes from not so memorable shows (thanks Netflix)

edited July 2016 in Music and Movies

Capt Janeway: Having fun?

Seven of Nine: No.


  • edited July 2016

    Sean the Sheep: Baaaa!

    Dog: Woof?

  • Are all your sheep called Sean ?

  • edited July 2016


    i'd buy that for a dollar

  • Twodogs said:
    Are all your sheep called Sean ?

    No...there's also Shaun, Shawn, Shorn, Seana and Shane.

  • edited July 2016


    As an aside, I have a couple of series of Sean the Sheep on DVD. Does anyone here have kids who love it/him? I suspect not, you're all too bloody old. Oh wait, Seano, you have a young sprout - doh!, let me know, would no doubt get more screen time somewhere else than here. I think we've both had about as much as we can take. Funny as it is :D

    No Borg for me today, I rented an actual video. I'll try to remember to record its best quote. I heard it's 93% original.

  • JohnR said:

    As an aside, I have a couple of series of Sean the Sheep on DVD. Does anyone here have kids who love it/him? I suspect not, you're all too bloody old. Oh wait, Seano, you have a young sprout - doh!, let me know, would no doubt get more screen time somewhere else than here. I think we've both had about as much as we can take. Funny as it is :D

    You would have a pair of takers right here for that. Lad and I are both fans...

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