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Cannon sound Crown amps
in Audio Talk
Cannon sound have Crown amps on sale:
Well, I picked up two XLS1500 today. I'm tired of not having enough amps. I figure I can barely DIY them for the price, and the nice thing is... these are already finished!
) Not sure about fan noise yet, I guess we'll see.
I forgot the reason they're on special is they are superseded. New model has more DSP in it. Or something. Doesn't matter. Same output power as my old QSC PLX and literally half the size and less than half the weight. (1500W total into 2 ohm loads).
T'was an excellent price but I need no more amps! You can quieten the fans...
Low fan noise! I hooked one up in my HT instead of the QSC (sub amp). When you turn it on, fan not used at all. After some moderate use, and contrary to what I've since read on the Internet, the fan does turn on, but it has a fairly low flow rate and/or they've designed the air path to be quiet. At any rate, it's quieter than the "quiet" fan I put in the QSC. Whew. (That's me, not the amp)
Not everything you read on the Internet is true?
I've read that it's not... :-P
And another thing! The amp is small enough that I was able to tuck it away around besides the subwoofer instead of in front of it. So I guess the QSC becomes the sub amp for the main system.
BTW also, you can get them much cheaper from the US. From amazon.com, they work out $366 landed. However you then have to convert the voltage. Indestructions can be found on the Internet.