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Wires and circuit traces are like road ways



  • I do keep a turkey gun hidden under the bed for just such occasions.

    My aim has been off lately, maybe the sights need calibrating.

  • Why would you need a sight , its like shhoting fish in a barrel :)

  • Mal, your back ! and I do mean your back, how is it ?

  • MALfunction said:
    Why would you need a sight , its like shhoting fish in a barrel :)

    That's what I was thinking. Why waste expensive ammo when you can club the suckers with the stock?

    Then again...I set fire to the last stampede through my place. Burning feathers don't half stink...

  • Twodogs said:
    Mal, your back ! and I do mean your back, how is it ?

    Its giving me a chance to try different drugs


  • edited April 2015

    You can't make this stuff up..

    well actually that's not true, someone IS making this stuff up, coz I don't beleive it for a nano-second...

    The other thing i have observed, is that stripping copper and feeding it into loose teflon tubing, when i take this approach for making interconnects they tend to have top end zing, and they are also a bit dry sounding.

    Brenden mentioned in another thread somewhere about sensitivity to vibrations when copper is in 'air'.

    I'm hoping the waxed cotton dialetric gives me a nicer (less aggressive) top end to my bespoke IC's?

  • which part don't you believe Graham ?
    1) when people use cables that don't conceal the hf distortions in their system, they blame the cable and prefer cables that do conceal their hf distortions (as well as valid signal of course). This is very common, but IMO the wrong approach.
    2) that people who don't know about such frequency filtering are forced to use a vocab consisting of non physics/electronics expressions such as- zing, dry, sensitivity to vibration, nicer and aggressive. all of which require further elaboration.
    Seems all audio forums have posts like that

  • Hi Nige

    I struggle with the fact that they believe the 'tail wagging the dog' is the best approach. :notworthy:

    I should be used to it by now, but :-??

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