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in Audio Talk
Got a situation where I need to delay an 2ch audio system which is miniDSP controlled so it is lip synced with a display that is set back probably 2.5m behind the stereo speakers. Don't want to add an AVR, so is there a cheaper pro audio alternative that anyone knows of, which is affordable?
The delay available in the miniDSP is not enough
I think what needs to happen here is add the audio to my TODO list. Then it will be sufficiently delayed.
Boom BOOM! (Better response tmorrow, sorry Phil
the pub I go to watch rugby has the delay problem between the big screen/projector and the audio from ceiling speakers.If you look at any of the tv screens they are in-sync. There must be better projectors/systems with less lag.
Behringer FBQ100 or 1000?
From memory, video lag is often of the order of 80 ms or so. Phil, are you needing to compensate for the full video lag or just the 2.5m (about 7.5 ms)?
Maybe the miniDSP OpenDRC would be an option (to replace the miniDSP 2x4, if you're not using an active crossover), it has up to 3 seconds of delay.
Thanks fella's. Doesn't 7.5ms = about 1 meter? I'm already using most of the delay to time align the drivers.
I'll read up on the Behringer and minidsp units suggested. Cheers
Hi Phil, a meter is about 3 ms. Distance = 340 x time, time = distance / 340.
Or if time is in ms, distance = .34 x time, time = distance * 2.94.
So for 7.5ms, distance = 0.34 * 7.5 = 2.516m