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Familiarity creates contempt

I electrocuted myself at work yesterday with 240V AC

I even have mulitple electricity burns on my thumb at the entry point.

Best 240V shock I've ever had.

I actually thought I was going to vomit & pass out afterwards

Here's a hint. Don't bypass earth when trouble shooting.


  • How you holding up today ? Did you tell your better half ?

  • Hi Mal

    Us blokes are tuff! :'(

  • Last time I electrocuted myself I was lucky I didn't break my foot. I was showing someone that I should have insulated the live 240V connection, and stuck my finger in there to be sure it was clear to the person which terminal I meant.

    Glad you're OK Graham :)

  • You are lucky you are still with us and that I can call you an idiot.

    I recall giving myself a whack whilst fiddling with some appliance and my mother was in the room at the time. The shock was one thing but the flogging I copped from Mum for scaring her more than a little was quite another...and far more damaging!!

  • Yes I am an idiot.

    People have died making similar mistakes...

    But, you got a flogging from your mum, & I didn't! :-b

  • Been a long time, but the memory lives on..... a very unpleasant shake.
    I got 2 off a crappy old guitar amp...never wanted to go near it after that, even though neither was the amp's fault. I reckon sparkies can probably remember each one clearly.

    Had to laugh, Graham the OH&S guy, zapping himself. Mate you are really building some fine credibility at work.... :o)

  • By the looks we've all had our moments ,mine was deciding to rebuild a valve amp after nightshift :( X_X

  • Now I'm feeling left out! Only zap I've had was in high school in science class. We all had to hold hands like in a seance then someone wound a wheel on a mini generator. It was a weird sensation like little strings pulling through your veins.

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