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DSPeaker speaker room correction device
in Audio Talk
G'day all
Does anyone have any knowledge or experience on one these devices?
http://www.deephzaudio.com/Anti-mode 20 product page.htm
People who have them seem to like them, they seem to have really hit on the combination of features that people want. The thing I find interesting about that product is that somehow it doesn't attract the usual doubts that people like to apply to this kind of gear: multiple A/D/A conversions, sample rate conversion, limited bandwidth (48k sampling), digital attenuation. It's not the way that it works, it's the way it's presented. Curious isn't it. Anyway, depending on what features you need, you might want to look also at the miniDSP DDRC for about the same price.
Thanks for your comments John
I s'ppose presentation creates perception.
And where I come from, 'perception IS reality!'